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Decisions made about the management of the building come from the heart of the community.

Committee of Management

Ross House Association is self managed, which means that all the members and tenants have a stake in decision making and how the building is run. Representatives from the member and tenant groups and appointed members make up the Committee.

The Committee is appointed at the annual general meeting.

There are three officer bearers, six ordinary members and provision for up to six appointed members (individuals who bring external expertise) on the Committee, as well as a Ross House Association staff representative. The majority of Committee members must be from tenant organisations. There must also be at least three members from organisations whose membership include people who suffer disadvantage or discrimination. The Committee meets monthly.

The Committee forms various sub-committees to work on specific issues. The Committee is resourced by the General Manager. The General Manager is responsible for the overall management of Ross House Association including finances, staffing and operating the Ross House building itself.

The Committee is one of the key ways that members can participate in the management of Ross House.

Current Committee Members


Colin Neave AM (ABC Friends)

Deputy Chairperson



Alba Chliakhtine (Abrisa)


Denise Boyd (STAR Victoria)


Samantha Marsh (Blind Citizens Australia)

Ally Scott (Disability Resources Centre)

Keith Bettles (U3A City of Melbourne)

De Grebner (Appointed)

Nazzareno Marchionda (Appointed, Staff Rep)

Michael Griffiths (Ex-officio, RHA CEO)



Ross House has subcommittees that meet regularly and are made up of Committee members, Ross House Association staff and other interested members.


This sub-committee is responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the association between Committee meetings. As well as overseeing the work of the General Manager and developing a Committee training program, it may need to consider urgent business and make decisions on behalf of the Committee in extenuating circumstances. The Executive subcommittee cannot make binding decisions without any consultation with, or consent of, the Committee except in extreme circumstances relating to the safety of personnel, or the security of the building.


This sub-committee oversees the finances of the Ross House Association and advises the Committee on budgeting and financial planning, as well as regularly reviewing the financial status of the organisation.

Membership and Tenancy

This sub-committee researches, considers and makes recommendations for, new membership and tenancy applications, the development of improved membership and tenancy protocols and services whilst ensuring that all current, and prospective, members and tenants adhere to the mission and values of the Ross House Association.

Community Development

This sub-committee researches, considers and makes recommendations for, the future development of opportunities for members to create a community of mutual aid and involvement within Ross House whilst simultaneously creating links to the wider social change community and encourages people to take part in the decision making processes as identified in the Ross House Constitution.

Fundraising and Development

This sub-committee considers and makes recommendations for, funding opportunities and partnerships within the government, philanthropic and corporate sectors as well as the wider community.

If you are interested in being on the Committee or a Subcommittee, please contact the CEO