About Climate and Health Alliance

Climate and Health Alliance

About us

Room: 4.13

Tenant Phone: 0438 900 005

Email: office@caha.org.au

Website: https://www.caha.org.au/

What we do: 

The Climate and Health Alliance is Australia’s peak body on climate and health. CAHA is a coalition of 90+ health and medical groups, academic and research institutions, health care service providers and unions.

Since 2010, CAHA has employed effective evidence-based advocacy, a collaborative approach and a willingness to engage professionals, policymakers and media. Today, our Alliance has achieved national and global recognition. The international medical journal The Lancet has described our efforts as an example that leaders should look to “for inspiration and achievement”.

By working together, the health sector can lead action on climate to protect our health.

Preferred Access: Appointment organised via email

Opening Hours: 9am – 5pm (Monday – Friday)

Membership Cost: Based upon individual or organisation annual income

Is there a charge for services? Varied, often not

Accepts volunteers? Yes, via emails to: office@caha.org.au

Accepts donations?  Yes, via this page: https://www.caha.org.au/donate

  • Room 4.9.4