About Blind Citizens Australia

About us
Room: 3.16
Tenant Phone:1800 033 660
Email: bca@bca.org.au
Website: http://www.bca.org.au
What we do
Inform. Connect. Empower.
Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) is the national representative organisation of people who are blind or vision
Our purpose is to inform, connect, and empower Australians who are blind or vision impaired and the
broader community.
As a member based organisation we do this through provision of individual advocacy as well as working on systemic advocacy. We provide peer support through member events. Members are encouraged to provide feedback on consultations and to take opportunities to get further involved in the organisation.
Preferred Access: Phone and email enquiries
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday (9am to 5pm)
Membership Cost: None
Is there a charge for services? No
Accepts volunteers?Yes we take on volunteers but have limited roles. Enquires can be made.
Accepts donations?Yes BCA is grateful for donations. These can be made via our button on our website at www.bca.org.au.
Donations are also accepted via EFT and via cheque.
Facebook link: www.facebook.com/BlindCitizensAustralia/\
Twitter: @au_BCA
- Room 3.16.3