March 25, 2024
Remembering Sue Healy

We are saddened to share the news of Sue Healy’s passing. Sue has been a fundamental part of Ross House since its inception, instrumental in shaping the organisation we know today. Known for her feisty, go-getter attitude, and her wildly passionate nature, she brought a purposeful energy to Ross House. We recall her dedication through the Sue Healy Room, a remembrance of her invaluable contributions as both a Committee Member and Chairperson, and her unwavering commitment to social justice and community service.
Sue’s association with Ross House spanned decades, starting from its very beginnings. She was a lifelong supporter and volunteer, deeply involved in Ross House’s development and success. Her own words in the 2006-2007 Ross House Annual Report reflect her journey:
“Since 1984, I have witnessed Ross House evolve from an idea to a Melbourne institution. I sat on the VCOSS committee during the search for a building; when the building was chosen I submitted my ideas to the architectural brief; and as chair of Community Technology I signed the lease for a room on the first floor. In the 90’s I came back to Ross House as president of the Older Persons Action Centre.”
During Sue’s chairpersonship from 1994 to 1998, two significant milestones were achieved. The Ross House Management Agreement was signed, formalising the relationship between the Victorian Community Foundation as the owner, the Brotherhood of St Laurence as the head tenant, and the Ross House Association as the manager, marking a significant move towards self-management. Additionally, under her leadership, Ross House celebrated its 10th anniversary, an event marked by an Open Day and the unveiling of the RH logo that features the iconic arches still in use today.
Sue remained actively involved beyond her tenure as chairperson, contributing to various subcommittees and initiatives until 2016. Her efforts during this time were pivotal in the signing of the Deed of Trust in May 2011, marking the transfer of ownership of the heritage Ross House building from ANZ Trustees to the Ross House Association.
Her legacy also includes her ongoing support for the Ross House Association staff, including during challenging times in 2001-2002, demonstrating her compassionate and supportive nature. Sue Healy’s impact on Ross House and its community will be remembered and cherished. Reflecting on Ross House, she once remarked, “Long may it prosper!”—a sentiment that underscores her significant contributions to the very foundations that ensure its continued success.