November 26, 2024
History of Disability Advocacy and Support at Ross House

A Short History of Disability Groups in Ross House.
Disability groups have been a significant part of Ross House’s identity since first opening in 1987. Among the first tenants to move in were Deaf Services Network (DNS) on the ground floor and the Disability Employment Action Centre (DEAC) on the first floor. DEAC soon became Ross House’s largest tenant, helping to establish the building as a vital hub for disability support services.
When the upper floors opened in 1989, disability groups continued to move in, including Action for More Independence & Dignity in Accommodation (AMIDA), Reinforce, and STAR, who are still all tenants today!
Today, Ross House is proud to remain home to a vibrant disability community. Our members and tenants provide vital support in broad range of sectors, including health and legal support services, peer and friendship groups, self-advocacy organisations, government consultations, and disability arts and media organisations.
Ross House artwork by Aunty Jane
The artwork above, painted by Ross House community member Aunty Jane, portrays Ross House as a welcoming place for people with different disabilities from different cultures to visit with any problems they have. The hands represent the varied cultures and needs of people who seek assistance at Ross House. Sistergirls are depicted sitting in yarning circles on the grass under the shade of trees, discussing their diverse health needs. On the left, is Aunty Jane’s clan emblem from the Yorta Yorta tribe, the long-neck turtle.
The Ross House Disability Community Over the Years
Over the years, we’ve been fortunate to welcome a large number of disability organisations as members or tenants. To learn more about our current community members, visit the Our Community page. The following list is taken from the Annual Report Members lists dating back to 1987.
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)
Action for More Independence & Dignity in Accommodation (AMIDA)
Voice at The Table (VATT)
Aussie Hands
Blind Citizens Australia (BCA)
Brain Injury Matter (BIM, formally Bear in Mind)
Blind Sports Australia
Charles Bonnet Syndrome Foundation
Deafblind Victoria (DBV)
Disability Discrimination Legal Service
Deaf Blind Association – The Link
Deaf Services Network
Deaf Victoria
Deafblind Victorians (DBV)
Disability Advocacy Victoria
Disability Employment Action Centre (DEAC)
Disability Support Pensioners
Disability Media
Disability Resources Centre
Disabled Wintersports Australia
Freedom and Choice Treatment Services (FACTS)
Housing Resource and Support Service
Lotus Group Projects
Lupas Australia Association Inc.
Macular Vision Loss Support Society of Australia
Mixed Nuts Media
Narcolepsy and Overwhelming Daytime Sleep Society (NODSS)
Positive Powerful Parents (PPP)
R.P Society
Rainbow Rights
Retina Australia
Self Advocacy Resource Unit (SARU)
Schizy Inc.
Spina Bifida Foundation of Victoria
Tenants Rights Project For People With Disability
Travellers Aid Victoria
United Brains
Victorian Lupus Association
Victorian Action on Intellectual Disability
Victorian Council of Deaf People (DSN)
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council
WIN support services